Posted in Web

What Are Google Web Vitals?

What Are Google Web Vitals?

Google is a search engine that helps to match a user's query with the best possible results. In the past, Google's algorithm would find high-quality content that matched the search intent. It would also audit for safe browsing, basic experience signals, and mobile...

WordPress Best Practices

WordPress Best Practices

Any business looking to build a profitable online presence needs to have an excellent website. Today, a majority of websites on the internet are powered by WordPress. WordPress is well known for dominating the content management system (CMS) market, a platform that...

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Divi for WordPress

Diginauts recommends Divi, the premium page builder by Elegant Themes.

Get Divi

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Product feedback at scale

Diginauts recommends Bugherd for managing feedback on digital products like websites.

Get Bugherd