Posted in SEO

The different types of SEO keywords

The different types of SEO keywords

In the digital realm where search engine optimization (SEO) acts as the compass directing the online traffic, understanding the nuances of keywords becomes paramount. Keywords are not just about matching queries with content; they're about aligning with the searcher's...

The different types of SEO keywords

What Are Google Web Vitals?

Google is a search engine that helps to match a user's query with the best possible results. In the past, Google's algorithm would find high-quality content that matched the search intent. It would also audit for safe browsing, basic experience signals, and mobile...

The only 4 SEO metrics that matter (at first)

The only 4 SEO metrics that matter (at first)

I often see new SEO practitioners ask questions about what they should be putting on their dashboards or reporting to their clients. The truth, however, is that there is no magic metric or standard. If you're asking publically how to measure success for your clients...

Adding multiple schema types to your website

Adding multiple schema types to your website

A quick reminder on what schema is and why we need it Schema is a piece of structured data or code (i.e. something an algorithm can understand) that describes the content of a page, website, or piece of content. Schema is able to help Google understand the type of...

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